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Home Notices Registration Guide

Registration for this conference is online

Conference registration method

1)Log in to the Conference Website:

2)Click the "Login/Registration" button on the homepage of the conference website and fill in the registration information as required. After successful registration, you can submit papers and pay fees.

(Note: This registration is real-name authentication, please fill in the correct ID number and contact information to ensure your smooth registration.)

3)After submitting the paper, the academic committee will notify you of the evaluation result and verify the payment information within the specified date.

All attendees must pay before September 30, 2024;

All attendees need to register an account first, fill in the basic information, and then gradually complete the paper submission and payment process.

After the account registration is successful, you can log in to the system with your account password and complete the conference registration.


Conference Registration Fee

The registration fee includes: conference fee, information fee, lunch and dinner during the conference;  

Other catering expenses, accommodation expenses and transportation expenses during the conference shall be borne by themselves.

Registration Category

Conference Registration Fee

Ordinary Attendee

2000 RMB

Current Student

1500 RMB

Special note: In principle, on-site registration is not accepted.


Method of payment

1、WeChat Payment


3、Bank Transfer

Bank Account:武汉珈合传新企业管理咨询有限公司

Bank Account Number:127916286210401

Bank Name:招商银行股份有限公司武汉未来科技城支行

Note: The remittance must note "ICPI-2024-XXX (Registrant's name)". After the remittance, please click "Remittance Voucher" on the payment interface of the conference website, upload the scanned copy of the remittance voucher to the system, and specify the remittance amount and registrant's name in the remittance voucher description. (Team payment needs to note the list of all personnel).


The Meeting Affairs Group will issue electronic invoices to the participants who have paid the fees one after another, and send the registration fee invoices according to the principle of "who registers and pays the fees, the invoice will be sent to whose mailbox".  Registered delegates are requested to ensure that the invoice information and email address (the email address filled in during registration) are accurate, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by failure to receive the invoice.

Refund Standard And Period

Refund requests made before October 10, 2024 (including October 10) will be returned in full at the amount paid;  Refund applications will not be accepted after October 10.

Contact us

Academic Consultation

Contact:Jiarong Chen


Contact:Liangqiu Lu


Papers Submittion Consultation

Contact:Ying Cheng


Registration Consultation

Contact: Hongming Dong


Contact:Wenjing Fan 


Enterprise-establishing Consultation

Contact:Ke Gao


Contact:Liangqiu Lu


Conference Consultation

Contact: Hongming Dong


Contact:Pei Guo


Contact:Lan Qin


Follow Us


ICPI Internationl Conference

Photochemistry And Industry

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Wuhan Insitute Of Photochemistry And TechnologyWeChat Official Account

Conference E-mail

Invoice Consultation

The electronic invoice will be issued one after another from July,and will be sent to the email address you filled in when registration.You can download the conference invoice by opening the email. lf your inbox does not receive the invoice email, please check your junk inbox to see if it has been received.

Contact:Wenjing Fan 
